Beauty Therapy


L’Oreal develops dietary supplement that prevents hair going grey

The medication, which is based on a secret fruit extract, is a result of over 10 years of research by L’Oreal, and safety trials are currently being undertaken by hundreds of volunteers around the world. It will be marketed in pill form, is designed to be taken daily, and will not, according to the company, be expensive.

It is being positioned as a preventative: L’Oreal says that the medication can not reverse the greying process once it had started.

The science behind the development lies in the susceptibility of hair pigment cells to oxidative stress, making them more susceptible to toxins. It is the lack of the protective enzyme typrosinase-related protein 2 (TRP-2) which causes hair pigment cells to die. The naturally occurring compound in the unidentified fruit extract mimics TRP-2.

"We have a watertight proof of concept with this, and we think it will have a market among men as well as women," said Bruno Bernard, head of hair biology at Paris-based L'Oreal.

The company is expected to provide more detail at the International Investigative Dermatology meeting that takes place in Edinburgh on 8-11 May 2013.

Text Courtesy: Ingredientsnetwork


Did you know in other parts of the world pineapple plays a huge part in natural beauty regimens?  The enzymes in the pineapple are used as a skin treatment to remove dead skin cells and reduce the oil in the skin eliminating the chance of acne.
This simple pineapple face mask is all natural and inexpensive. In a few minutes, you can have healthy glowing skin without breaking the bank.
  • 4 Large Pineapple slices
  • 3 Tbsp. Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp. All natural honey
  • Blender
  • Slice the pineapple and place four large pieces in a blender. Pineapple is a gentle astringent which helps to close open pores
  • Put 3 tbsp. of olive oil in a blender. Olive oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Unlike most common oils found in beauty products, olive oil will wash away clean.
  • Place 1 tbsp. of natural honey into the mixture and blend until creamy. Honey will reduce any swelling or inflammation, helping to reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles and can help to eliminate circles from underneath the eyes.
  • Wash your face gently with warm water and pat dry. Apply the pineapple face mask evenly and relax for 15 minutes. Rinse again with warm water and gently dry your face with a soft towel.
This quick treatment will nourish the skin with healthy enzymes and vitamin c, leaving it soft and smooth.  It also fights free-radical damage and can reduce age spots and fine lines.
Also drinking pineapple juice is also very beneficial. It helps with heart and kidney problems and is an effective remedy for sore throats and colds.

Text Courtesy: Go Green NewsLetter


We all know that mangoes are called the king of all fruits. But do we really know why? Apart from the fact that it is one of the most delectable treats, this fruit is also loaded with vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants, all of which are good for the skin, say skin care experts.

Beauty Benefits

Mango For Your Skin
Dr Apratim Goel, dermatologist says, "Mangoes are a rich source of beta carotene (vitamin A), which is a strong antioxidant. Apart from the rejuvenation effect, vitamin A also has dramatic effects on acne / pimples. Beta-carotene is the nutrient that's crucial for your skin. It's converted by your body into vitamin A and is so important that it's often prescribed as a topical treatment (one that's applied directly on to the skin) for acne."

Vitamin A is the greatest friend to good skin and its deficiency can cause dull skin, open pores, acne, as well as horny eruptions on the arms, elbows and knees.
Consuming mango regularly makes the complexion fair and the skin soft and shining say experts. Dr Goel says, "Mango is effective in relieving clogged pores of skin. It is high in antioxidants and low in carbohydrates." "Apart from the fruit pulp, the skin of the fruit is rich in AHA (alpha hydroxyl acids) and is used as skin exfoliant and rejuvenator. It has a more rapid cell turnover rate," she adds.

Aesthetician Ritu Tanwar says, "Rub the skin of a ripe mango, on your face gently, for a few minutes. This fruit has many ingredients that can help the skin to remain smooth and young. It has a rejuvenating effect."
Vitamin C, in this fruit, helps in collagen formation, which keeps the skin firm.
Health Benefits
Mangoes are high in fibre but low in calories and sodium. They are also rich in vitamin A and have good amounts of vitamins B and C as well as Potassium, Calcium and Iron.
It has been found that the phenols and several enzymes in mangoes have healing as well as anti-cancer properties.
Dr Satish Bhatia, dermatologist says, "The phenols in mango and enzymes besides promoting healthy skin and hair, help in diabetes control and improve overall immunity. Vitamin B3 and B-Complex strengthen hair. Mangiferin, the enzyme, has skin and other cancer benefits."
Unfortunately, Mangoes are one of those fruits that have a lot of misconceptions about them. Nutritionists have often reiterated that mangoes do not have much fat in them, rather they reduce cholesterol and are a source of natural sugar. Clinical nutritionist Dr Nupur Krishnan says that mangoes are high in fibre.
This fruit contains a lot of tryptophan, which helps in the formation of the 'happiness-hormone' serotonin. Mango also has iron, so, pregnant women and people with anaemia are advised to eat this fruit.
So, what are you waiting for? Include those ripe and juicy mangoes in your daily diet and begin leading a healthy and beautiful life!