Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Red Lady Papaya


Courtesy: Hundekar Home Garden,Bengaluru.

Red fleshed fruit averaging 1.5 to 2.0 kg. Good sweetness. Sets fruit at average 70 cm above soil. Tolerant to Papaya Ring Spot Virus. Produces fruit on average nine months from seed. Fruit ships well and trees produce about 35 fruits per season. First year production is larger than second year production. We have found this variety to be less resistant to fungus than the Certified Red Maradol. Packaged in 10-gram envelope. Minimum germination 75%.
Origin: Taiwan
The following benefits of red lady papaya for health:
1. Lowering the risk of cancer (Vitamin C) Papaya is rich in vitamin C, an essential nutrient that functions as an antioxidant and helps prevent cell damage from free radicals and are believed to help prevent and fight cancer.
2. Enhancing good eyesight (vitamin A)
The content may be improving with good eyesight
3. Increasing fertility (Folate) Papaya is packed with folate, vitamin B is needed for fertility in both men and women. These substances contribute to the maturation of spermatogenesis in men and implantation, oocyte and placentation in women.
4. Reduce high blood pressure (Potassium) It has a natural supply of potassium. Several studies have shown that this substance may reduce hypertension
5. Helps weight loss (Fiber) Rich in fiber content so it can help the digestive process and increase the feeling of satiety without having to worry about losing calories. and very good for dieting.
6. Improve skin health (Vitamin E) Produce antioxidants for skin health of the body, so it will produce more radiant and glowing skin naturally and more subtle.
7. Helps blood clotting (vitamin K) Papaya is a good source of vitamin K, nutrient best known for his role in healthy blood clotting.
8. Helps prevent bone loss (Calcium) Calcium is an excellent nutrient for bone health
9. Preventing leg cramps (Magnesium) Lack of magnesium in the body can show in the form of muscles, tremors, weakness

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